One year since the debut of Paris Mosel, our good friend Kim0slice in Berlin processed the Paris Mosel film through state of the art, analog video technology to revamp the film we know as Paris Mosel into a psychedlic audio visual phenomenon. This version also includes Montmartre feat. CONWAY THE MACHINE.

In 2022 Skinny Pablo and Soilpimp began production on Paris Mosel through a crowd funded campaign. Paris Mosel is a film and instrumental album swimming In a surreal sequence of moving images of life between Paris and the Mosel, visualized through kaleidoscopic spectacles. Wine, vines, cuisine, hashish, nightlife, graffiti, travel, art and adventure dance across the screen.

Half of the project was recorded in Paris, the other half in the Mosel at Ulli Stein's Haus Waldfrieden. Parties around the film emerged, with screenings in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

2024 Mosai Music. Watch Below.

Watch the original version, find the soundtrack, gear, and more here

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